The Eptiome Gallery is excited to be displaying the artwork of HEKKATE for the month of November 2023. HEKKATE is a “visual monster” and self described Shapeshifter. HEKKATE is a multi-talented artist working on everything from walls to paper to skin. HEKKATE is travelling all the way to Humboldt from parts unknown. Please join us November Arts Alive for the Opening Reception of HEKKATE.
Opening: Saturday November 4th 6-9pm ARTS ALIVE
On Display: November 1st-26th 2023
We reached out to HEKKATE to learn more and we got back this message:
From the depths of the murky unknown- protector of portals, paths, and the underworld. HEKKATE is the relationship and conversation with spirit. It is the altar, the offering, and the blessing. The journey is only just beginning.
On the iNtErWEBZ