Ernesto Gomez
Ba'ax Ka Wa'alik, In Káatech
Hello, I Love You
Born in the Bronx NYC to parents from Cuba & Mexico, Ernesto draws and paints glyphs from his genetic memory mixed with his own love of graffiti and street art to create images that are both old and new, traditional yet contemporary, going between calligraphy, tagging, and sculpture. He oftens works using recycled materials like cardboard, wood, or whatever he can find, using nature and the environment as inspiration.
When he's not making art, he's playing music in the streets, at festivals, or at a farmer's market as Old Viejo Bones. Living in Humboldt since July 1st 2020, he stumbled upon the Epitome Gallery in Sept 2021 and realized he had found a new home away from home.
The Epitome Gallery is proud to be displaying the prolific works of Ernesto Gomez for the month of July. Please join us for the opening July 1st 6-9pm Saturday during Arts Alive!
Ernesto Gomez
Check out Ernesto Gomez on Instagram @ernesto.lovercat.gomez